Tensions between firefighters and their fire chief are running high in Jackson, Mississippi over firefighter pay and the chief’s newly proposed budget. The chief’s proposed budget, which does not include any pay raises for city firefighters has the firefighters seeing red. As a result, Jackson firefighters are pushing back against their fire chief and requesting a vote of “no confidence” ...
Read More »Tag Archives: sick leave
Collective Bargaining, Comp Time, and the FLSA
Today’s FLSA Question: My fire department has a firefighter out on long-term leave. He is receiving his normal salary by utilizing his accrued sick leave while out of work. While on leave he performed six hours of computer type work from home. This work wasn’t required. He volunteered to file some reports related to grants and other computer work. As ...
Read More »Firefighter’s Hours Worked, Paid Sick Leave, and the FLSA
Today’s FLSA Question: I recently read your article entitled “Firefighters, Mandatory Overtime, and the FLSA” and have a somewhat related follow-up question. I work for a large county fire department. We also work a 24/48 schedule with a scheduled Kelly-day every three weeks for a 48-hour average workweek. However, we receive overtime for all additional hours worked outside of our ...
Read More »Part-Time Firefighters, Paid Time Off, Overtime, and the FLSA
Today’s FLSA Question: I have been a part-time firefighter working for a small non-union municipal fire department for more than 5 years. My department augments full-time staff with part-timers, like myself. Historically, working as a part-time firefighter was the best way to get a job as a full-time firefighter. Up until recently, the department’s part-time firefighters were limited to a ...
Read More »Firefighters, Mandatory Overtime, and the FLSA
Today’s FLSA Question: I have a question about mandatory overtime and the FLSA. If a firefighter is ordered to work an extra shift, doesn’t the FLSA require time and one-half pay for that shift? This is my situation. I am a full-time paid firefighter/paramedic. We work a 24/48 schedule with an assigned Kelly Day every three weeks. This combination results ...
Read More »Regular Rate, Sick Leave Incentives, and the FLSA
Today’s FLSA Question: I am the fire chief of a mid-sized municipal fire department. The most recent collective bargaining agreement with our firefighters contains an incentive plan designed to curb sick leave abuse. Firefighters and officers that use less than 72 hours of sick leave during a calendar year receive an additional 24 hours of paid leave during the following ...
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