The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has upheld a lower court’s dismissal of an FLSA lawsuit filed by a Los Angeles firefighter seeking compensation for time spent sequestered at a hotel at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Los Angeles Firefighter Bryan Hunt filed this lawsuit, on behalf of himself and other similarly situated individuals, after ...
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LA County Fire Prevails in Second Lawsuit Following Recruit Academy Quarantine
A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by a class of more than 150 current and former LA County firefighters alleging that the county failed to pay recruit firefighters for all hours “worked” during the course of five separate recruit academies spanning an eight-month period in 2020. The firefighter’s claims centered around the county’s decision to offer a compressed ...
Read More »FL Fire District Settles FLSA Lawsuit with Firefighters
The Destin Fire Control District has settled an FLSA lawsuit with a total of nine firefighters for almost $40,000. The firefighters had alleged that the district required them to attend specific training sessions while off-duty and did not compensate them for that time. The district countered by claiming the firefighters attendance at the trainings was purely voluntary and provided by ...
Read More »Voluntary Attendance at Work-Related Conferences and the FLSA
Today’s FLSA Question: I am a fire chief for a small suburban fire department. Our local fire chiefs’ association is hosting a one-day presentation on leadership to be held at a neighboring community’s recreation facility. I am encouraging many of my personnel to attend what I believe will be a very valuable and worthwhile learning opportunity. Additionally, I will reimburse ...
Read More »Four Florida Firefighters File FLSA Suit for Unpaid Training Time
A group of four former Destin, Florida firefighters filed an FLSA lawsuit earlier this week alleging that their former employer, The Destin Fire Control District [District] failed to pay them for hours spent attending work-related training. Former Destin firefighters David Garner, Brian Ostos, Alejandro Osorio, and Joseph Quinn filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District ...
Read More »National Fire Academy Training and the FLSA
Today’s FLSA Question: I am the fire chief of a full-time paid municipal fire department. Several of our firefighters and officers have been voluntarily attending on-campus classes in several different programs offered through the National Fire Academy (NFA). As a policy, the department provides these members with paid time off (without using vacation time or requiring shift trades) for all ...
Read More »Training Required for Promotion and the FLSA
Today’s FLSA Question: I am an HR director for a mid-sized city. The fire chief wants to require all future officers possess NFPA 1041 (Fire Service Instructor) and 1021 (Fire Officer I) certification prior to getting promoted. The chief tells me these classes are frequently offered at the state fire academy at a minimal cost. The chief also believes these ...
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