Cobb County, Georgia is no stranger to FLSA litigation. The county is yet again facing an FLSA lawsuit related to alleged misclassifying senior fire officers as overtime exempt executive employees. The most recent lawsuit contains very similar allegations as another misclassification lawsuit filed by a group of ten Cobb County battalion Chiefs last April.
Cobb County Fire Department Battalion Chief John Graham filed this most recent lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia on September 15, 2023. Graham alleges that he regularly works over the FLSA’s maximum hours standard for employees engaged in fire protections activities (a.k.a. §207k firefighter) yet was denied overtime by the county in violation of the FLSA. Graham also alleges that the county failed to keep records as required by the FLSA.
Here is a copy of Graham’s complaint along with some other recent headlines related to Cobb County, fire officers, and overtime pay.