Keith Faber, the State of Ohio’s Chief Auditor, has demanded the former Union City Fire Chief and two of her subordinates (one of which is the chief’s husband) repay more than $75,000 following allegations of falsified “payroll time sheets.” Pamela Idle, the former chief of the Union City Fire Department, former firefighters Craig Idle (Chief Idle’s husband) and Brian Stump have all been accused of falsifying ambulance runs and transport times in an effort to increase their pay.
According to the state auditor’s report, Pamela Idle was overpaid more than $31,000, her husband more than $33,000, and Stump in excess of $11,000 between 2010 and 2016. The trio allegedly falsified payroll records to include “EMS runs, short transports, and long transports that either did not occur, or for which there were no underlying EMS billing records.” As a result of the audit, the state has made a “finding for recovery for public property converted or misappropriated” against all three former members of the fire department and according to the auditor’s report, criminal charges were also filed.
The report goes on to state that there was no evidence that any other members of village government were aware of the falsified time sheets and the village has since changed payroll practices to prevent future misappropriations.
Click here is more on the story from FOX 19 News.